Brand Workshops | Empower Your Brand with 30TH FEB

Elevate Your Business with Brand Workshops

Brand Workshops are essential for building a compelling and cohesive employer brand. Our customized workshops help your business craft a powerful brand narrative that resonates with both employees and customers.

Speak to a Brand Expert now.

    Sign-up for Brand Workshops with 30TH FEB

    A strong brand is the cornerstone of business success. It is something that all your stakeholders demand both as consumers and as employees.

    A brand is the narrative, a voice that cuts through the noise. Branding gives the business a foundation of trust with your audience.  A brand is the driving force behind customer loyalty for any business. But building a brand that truly connects requires more than just a catchy logo or tagline. Branding is the sense of belonging that a business develops with its stakeholders. Brand Workshops ensure that the narrative, messaging and brand voice is in sync all throughout.

    30TH FEB offers specialised Brand Workshops designed to empower businesses like yours to excel through internal and employer branding.

    Our workshops are not cookie-cutter solutions. We take a deep dive into your unique goals and challenges, then craft a customised program that aligns perfectly with your vision and brand intent as per the stage of your business in brand life cycles.

    Explore the Brand Workshops with 30TH FEB

    Master Your Startup Launch, Start-up Branding Workshop

    Launching a new venture is exhilarating yet demanding.  Our Start-up Branding Workshop equips you with the tools you need for a successful launch. We’ll guide you through pre-launch and launch campaigns, crafting a compelling brand story and messaging that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, we offer employee and co-founder training sessions, fostering a strong brand culture from the very beginning. This ensures everyone on your team understands and embodies your brand values.

    REBRAND, Elevator Pitch Workshops

    Established businesses face the challenge of keeping pace with evolving market trends. Our Elevator Pitch Workshops are impactful in reviving the brand and surviving the values workshop provides a comprehensive rejuvenation strategy. We’ll conduct a thorough brand audit to identify areas for improvement and develop a plan to keep your brand relevant, vibrant, and true to your core values. This might involve refreshing your brand visuals, messaging, or even your brand positioning to ensure you stay competitive and attract your ideal customers.

    Attract Top Talent with Employer Branding Workshops

    Our Employer Branding Workshop equips you with the tools to build a magnetic employer brand. The workshop ensures your brand mission, vision is in sync with your employees and they are as equipped to grace the future as you are.  The workshop also covers tactics that help you leverage the brand by equipping your employees as brand ambassadors. We share the ideology and structure the actionables to bridge the gap through content marketing principles that align and messaging between brand and brand workshops. This comprehensive approach helps your brand attract high-performing individuals who align with your company values.

    Facilitating Brand Audit Workshops

    Our Brand Audit workshops are curated for business owners, CMOs, GMs in many cases and marketing coordinators.  decisions. Through these workshops we facilitate internal and external brand audits, leading the teams to their specific brand goals. With in-depth analysis, brand audit workshops will provide valuable insights into your brand perception among employees, customers, and competitors. This information equips you to refine your brand strategy and ensure all your efforts are directed towards achieving maximum impact.  We can also help you develop clear and measurable goals for your brand, so you can track your progress over time.

    How does a Brand Workshop leverage business growth? 

    Here’s what you can expect:

    Clarity and Alignment

    Our brand workshops facilitate clear communication and alignment among stakeholders. Everyone involved gains a deeper understanding of the brand’s core values, mission, and vision. This ensures all departments and team members are working towards the same goals and presenting a consistent brand image.

    Enhanced Brand Strategy

    Through collaborative brainstorming and expert guidance, workshops help you develop a comprehensive and actionable brand strategy. We’ll guide you through defining your target audience, crafting a unique value proposition, and developing a clear brand messaging framework. Sometimes this even leads to rebranding, price correction, altering the communication of service offerings etc.

    Increased Employee Engagement

    Workshops encourage active participation, fostering a sense of ownership and buy-in among employees. When employees understand the brand’s purpose and values, they’re more likely to become brand ambassadors, promoting your company culture and advocating for your brand externally.

    Measurable Results

    We design workshops with measurable outcomes in mind. You’ll receive clear benchmarks to track progress, such as increased brand awareness, improved customer satisfaction, or a stronger employer brand reputation. This allows you to see the tangible impact of your brand efforts and measure the return on your investment.

    Ready to Build a Brand that Makes a Statement?

    Don’t settle for the ordinary. Take control of your brand narrative and unleash your full potential with personalised Brand Workshops from 30TH FEB.

    Drop us a line for a discovery call.  Together, let’s build a brand that stands the test of time.

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