Digital Marketing - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Digital Marketing

Elevate your brand's digital presence with our comprehensive Digital Marketing Services - let's connect and shape your online success story.

Speak to a Brand Expert now.

    The advent of digital marketing has changed the way traditional marketing worked for decades. Newspapers, Radio, Television and Outdoor is fast getting replaced with the terms like Social Media Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Google Analytics, PPC, Content Marketing etc.

    Brands & Businesses are evolving with the evolving technology & consumer preferences. The consumer who was earlier look at the outdoor hoardings in now busy watching the YouTube video or surfing the social channels – is your brand there? Can it be seen and found? Have you created a digital niche for yourself and your customers?

    These are the questions that can be answered through Digital Marketing Services at 30TH FEB that is covered under our Digital Brand Management services.

    Content Creation Services

    • Article Writing
    • Visual Content Creation – Infographics & Newsletters
    • Visual Content for SMM
    • Client Communication Emails
    • Resource Guides
    • eBooks
    • Landing Pages for Campaigns
    • Blog Management
    • Event Branding & Promotional Content

    Content Marketing & Conversion

    • Email Marketing
    • Link Building
    • Blog Interaction Management
    • Online PR
    • Newsletter Reach & Subscriptions
    • Content Management on Websites
    • Retargeting & Conversion

    Search Engine Optimization

    • Website Content Upgrade
    • On Page Optimization
    • Off Page Optimization
    • Landing Page Optimization for Targeting Campaigns

    Social Media Marketing

    Social Media Marketing includes Online Reputation Management and Managing Targeted promotions through the social spaces on your brand. SMM is managed as per the brand requirements and its ROI goals.

    Social Channels that we manage under SMM include:

    • Facebook: Content Creation, Retargeting, Interaction Management together with Facebook Marketing and Lead Generation Campaigns.
    • Instagram: Growing with the content & Instagram tactics – reaching out the millennials and spreading the wings of lifestyle & life aspirational brands through Instagram marketing.
    • LinkedIn: From managing the profiles to making them more visible, from drafting the page content to making them more appealing, from creating Influencers and to making that influence work for revenues.
    • Twitter: Content Creation & management primarily.
    • YouTube: A necessity for millennial marketing era- YouTube laid the basis for video marketing, with necessity we evolved and we are now creating videos for the brands we manage. Our process involves: Concept Development, Script and Storyboarding, Video Production, Video Editing and Video Management.
    • Pinterest: An awesome place, a visual library, a treat to eyes and a synopsis of everything long – yes that is how we manage Pinterest for our brands.

    We also manage Paid Campaigns for all of the above social channels.

    For more details, Drop us a Line.

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