Branding Process at 30TH FEB - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Brewing ideas with 30TH FEBDefining a ‘How’ we work is decently difficult for us, we are a brand agency which customizes the offering and the process as per our clients. For instance, our Asian clientele is keen on colors – the branding cymbolism even extends to the marketing communication design as well. And the clients from the west, US, UK, Canada – stick to 1-2 colors for entire branding elements.

The diversity & variety of our clients comes as a creative challenge that we truly love to work on & exceed the expectations. 30TH FEB as a Brand Agency works on the following branding process.

We meet clients over a Coffee or we begin with a Call / Skype Chat? This is to understand their idea, business intention and the expectations from their brand. More or Less, we can say – we listen more and talk less in the first meeting.

Once we understand your expectations,we discuss & brainstorm – suggest the possible directions a Brand/Business can lead, this is sometimes done on the basis of Competition Study, Market Study, Consumer Insight through Dipstick Analysis etc.

How we do it at 30TH FEB

All of the above mentioned studies are done as a Brand Homework @ 30TH FEB. The agency understands then drafts a proposed offering and the Branding begins in 2nd brainstorming session.

Branding Blocks is where the brand solutions for your business begin. Be it the idea modification or enlightening your Brand Story – we work closely on the Brand Positioning & Brand Strategy. Once we have the Brand Strategy devised, competition & trends set in paper – we come to the Content Stage.

Yes, Brand Content defines Brand Design. Gone are the days when a creative design is all a brand needs. You need to talk right, you need to keep relevance and depict truth. The benefits & promises have to be alright & correct – only then the customer listen to & follow a brand.

Once the strategy team is done with setting the Brand Theme & Promises, the creative consultants at our brand agency – take over and start the creative process with the Brand team and creative brief as shared by the client.

Once the Design, Colors, Fonts are all in place and Brand Communication Collaterals are ready, the digital establishment begins. This includes – brand website, social account pages, the online blogs & memberships etc.

In some projects – the Brand Design & Web Development go hand in hand. Especially with the startups, where the timelines are either skewed or prolonged- we work accordingly.

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