Startup Services at 30TH FEB, the brand phases - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Startup Services at 30TH FEB, the brand phases

By on May 3, 2016 in Start-up Brands

I have been working on a number of startups lately and I must say that each of them is equally exciting & challenging at times. The reason I decided to share this blogpost was to highlight how we can help startups and also at which all stages of Startup Building, i.e., from itch to idea and then launching it as a business unit.

To startup is a thing of freaks but what if we tread carefully, work on and assess the idea to clarify and fine tune it before launching it for the audiences. We offer Startup Services, and that essentially starts with idea validation. And those who are sure and have tested the idea already, work with us on the latter stages of Startup Services.

Stage 1: Idea Validation

Most of the startups are passion driven and come with an idea and lot of excitement behind it. For some it is a parallel path and for others – ‘it is THE ONLY THING’. And that makes it all the more significant to ‘VALIDATE your START UP IDEA’.

When a client comes to us with a certain start-up idea, we help them in ‘EVOLVING THE IDEA’ further and give it a ‘BUSINESS MODEL’ which shall have 2 appeals, first one is resonating with the target audience and second – revenue scheme.

Following is the first stage of validating an idea for a Travel Startup, which is also a significant Startup Service to avoid failures:

​Option 1: Travel Diaries

Here the target would be – who is traveling and exploring options.

Explore your options.
What’s Different
Photo Essay’s
Cuisines to Explore
Food for the soul / Know the people
For Shopaholics
Maps & Magazines

Option 2: Travel Inspire

Here the target will be – people with wish lists but not traveling.

If Indian Millennial is to be captured for first 2 years of launch, concentrating on India will be a better option and economic also. In the option 2, we may not be creating a great pull for International Travelers but we can certainly create a pull for those – who have ‘India’ on the wish list.

Why Travel
How travel changed life
Travel for Good Health
Travel Stories
Budget Options
When & How
Who can join
What all to do? ​
Books to carry

Will have Home-stay stories, B&B options, Hostels Concept and highlighting why passion comes before money for traveling.

A me-too startup idea could be:

Option 3: Travel Encyclopedia

TG – could be all and more B2B.

Book – travel & stay
Publishing the magazines/selling ad space & features.Going further here is the path:


Once we will close on the Idea, we move on to business strategy and branding that business, which would mean – How your CUSTOMER should know about you? Mind you there are times, when we start working on the strategy when it is just an idea and lot of passion for our clients, the actual budgeting, product/ offering design comes into picture at a later stage – or may be after 2 to 3 brainstorming sessions. The idea development and execution phase of startup services include aspects of Business strategy & brand positioning. Working on the positioning is important as it helps in streamlining the offerings and further design of communication.

Ideally the steps would involve:

  • Closing on Business Strategy: Launch + 6 months
  • Naming your Business
  • Identity Design: Logo, USP and Positioning.

The methodology involves, Brainstorming, Dipstick, Q&As and Strategic models pertaining from business to business.

Here is the second email we shared with a client who was working on a travel startup:

Strategy >> Naming >> we can initiate the work on website simultaneous on the following Plans – A and B together.


Covering Destinations.
Location Specific facts. This also means – we will not be starting with ALL INDIA.
The idea will be to target Locations and categorize further for the website.
Every 45 days- will be a work of a particular location.

The idea is to be experts in what we are talking or covering on the website. It will not be just run of the mill web feature.


We employ a person each month to travel and bring out the Location facts / Out beat Facts / Category Specific.

This is a highly competitive segment to start. The key is to Differentiate and lie low.
The website will come to shape in a minimum of 9 months. And then we will start offering services to travelers. Like discussed services will not be: Hotel/travel arrangements etc.



Brand Design is a very interesting aspect. And it is challenging because everyone has got ideas and then so many of them. At 30TH FEB, we believe in logic and concept – even in design and visual communication. The very part of relevance and truth shall be maintained in the brand communication. We have to be sharp enough that our essence and concept is not lost at any juncture.

Brand Design includes:

  • Identity Design
  • Brand Collaterals – Brochure, Stationary, Profile etc
  • Social Communication
  • Website Design


Content is important. And more important in the year 2016-2018. Content Marketing is evolving and brands need to buckle up big time. Content and the types of it are evolving too. With the social media taking a leap everyday and the newer channels of communication being developed constantly, it is required that a brand is communicating as per those channels only.

Also we need to assess the brand idea, the target segment, the audience engagement rate on each social channel and accordingly we shall decide on channel, content strategy and content type. Some of the pointers can be:

  • A blog may be good but a listicle may turn even better
  • A video or an email
  • A remarkable visual or a appealing copy

etc are the pointers we insist one should ponder as we step on to work on the content strategy.

Thinking about your freaking idea and its execution, feel free to or fill up the form here for Free Consultation. 


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