Boost your Brand Marketing by publishing team events, small celebrations - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Boost your Brand Marketing by publishing team events, small celebrations

By on Aug 17, 2021 in Communication Strategy, Marketing

“Too much work, I am starting everyday at 8 and finishing up by 9 and even 10 at times”, said the co-founder while on an impromptu call amidst the daily exchange of emails and spreadsheets. 

Understanding that it is one such phase of typical startup growth cycle I quipped, Isn’t that what we hoped and prayed for a few months back! So here is your story, capture it, share it and grow with it, I suggested instantly! 

Followed by, I hate to say it all the time but we need to talk about our story, our team and audience needs to know about it.  

Presently I am working with an exciting startup and I must say the hustle has been amazing. Actually it does get a little too much at times 🙂

As a team we are planning each day and taking leaps every quarter, the narrative of the brand is evolving at a fast pace. While internally we are aware of the plan, action and expectations – the customer is not aware of the progress. Publishing real time content solves the problem.



In the growth phase, often the teams feel bombarded or lost because everyone has got their plates full. From tech upgrades to hiring the new employees, from tweaking the communication every now and then to simplifying the onboarding process – everyone is hustling!

Share the hustle, find out moments in between, capture them and use them to share your brand story. Why sharing all this helps your brand? 

  • Conveys that you don’t just tell stories, you Live them.
  • Establishes the action and builds credibility around your work.
  • It underlines the brand ‘culture’ and ‘people culture’ is always a popular culture.
  • Fills the employees with a sense of belonging as they see themselves as a part of the brand communication. 
  • Multiplies the outreach and helps you create more brand advocates.
  • It is great for connection building and reputation management as brands that share more are often considered approachable and appealing.

Share and publish the small celebrations etc to establish a corporate brand i.e people driven and therefore simplifies the connection between employees and the organisation. Ready to begin,

Contact with brandstrategist and boost your brand marketing, write to us at:



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