Spirit Bohemian

Startup Branding comes with a lot of responsibility. The bohemian journey begin with an idea, an aspiration to inspire people to adopt traveling as a habit instead of a bucket-list task. We had earlier also talked about the spirit bohemian story in one of our blog post.
Working on an idea and idea validation is fast becoming essential for startup branding. And in case of startup branding we work on concepts and we develop insights – industry centric, consumer centric, social trends etc. Spirit Bohemian is an aspirational brand and it is related to breaking lifestyles and to inspire audiences to become new age travelers who believe in learning through traveling, who imagine experience more then expense.
Startup Branding is easier believed then done. When you work on an idea which is ever evolving, it becomes tedious to explain the brand to the stakeholders, to the team who is working on a startup brand. The account management is equally interesting as client servicing.
The logo design of spirit bohemian was a task in itself. We brainstormed a lot and the perceptions differed, the vision was different and as the idea was still taking its shape – sometimes the old became irrelevant by the time – we had new service line and categories.
30TH FEB cracked the logo design with our forte, design with logic – instill a story in your logo. Let it do the talking. The Spirit Bohemian logo speaks ounces – it has the brand vision instilled in the design. It is a design of elements like Bohemian art, Compass and your check-in destination.
The travelers are sharing inspirational stories, the content is still shaping up on its website and the brand plans to re-launch its services sometime in first quarter of 2017.