Being Ordinary and Entrepreneurship! - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Being Ordinary and Entrepreneurship!

By on May 31, 2014 in 30TH FEB, Challenges for Start-ups, Entrepreneurship, Start-up Brands

entrepreneurship vs ordinary lifeBeing human – the name came into my mind and I pondered OMG! Being human is such a big thing, is now a big brand, has got big celebrities to vouch for. But what really makes it big is the intent of charity behind it. The very cause of its popularity is – humanity or the very big celeb Salman Khan as its promoter. I wondered.

People argue on religion, money, status, peer pressure, family pressures – have you ever thought what for? Each one of us is trying to chase the extraordinary status among their group, friends, and society. Some do it by churning money others by preaching religion, some by demeaning the rest on their decisions and others by proving superiority through shallow comparisons. And doing all these, the only loss is of humanity. We start each other as case studies, winners & looser, average and above average, classy and boring etc because we think of ourselves as Supreme and others ordinary! Is there anything wrong in being ordinary – I ask.

Ordinance of ordinary is Craziness. Is it?

Being Ordinary Entrepreneurship 30thfebBeing Ordinary is a pleasure. Imagine how simple things could be if we choose their ordinary versions. Like choosing a simple phone over smartphones – we will save time, conversations will be better & intriguing. Imagine an ordinary life without texting, ah! I so wish we could go back to those times. Ordinary breaks could be family picnics then those foreign holidays, that doesn’t mean I don’t want them; I do.

Ordinary people plan get away holidays to have shorter breaks to rejuvenate and to have quality time with friends & family. I remember the small get together, pot parties, weekend picnics – they were all awesome and still make great memories of my ordinary childhood which made me a person to dream difficult things and to keep faith & work hard towards it. I plan to be ordinary. I do not feel like following the smart path, plan an easy life, secure future etc; I believe I will be fine for I am doing my bit with all honesty.

Being entrepreneur is different because it has the got the basic intent of being ordinary and being sincere about your idea. That is what struck me straight to the heart. And I asked myself, is it wrong if I chose to be ordinary – yeah many a times I felt that entrepreneurship means to agree to lead an ordinary life to live that extraordinary dream.

No wonder there are many who fail to resonate with our ideas but then isn’t it enough to have an extraordinary reason and faith to follow it. So what are the things which are absolutely Ordinary and practiced by those who choose to their own thing. To list a few, here are the –

Ordinary Things most Entrepreneurs Do:

  1. They are passionate.
  2. They follow their heart and apply mind to it.
  3. They believe in action & hence powerful execution.
  4. They value time.
  5. They are dreamers.
  6. They sought inspiration and sometimes create it too.
  7. They are insanely optimistic.
  8. They find happiness in small things and smaller achievements.
  9. They believe in continuity.
  10. They make notes.
  11. They are anxious for work and patient for results.
  12. They are always trying to follow a routine.
  13. They believe there is a long way to go. Because they know their story is not over yet;
  14. Not all of them love number crunching for they are all driven by the passion to perform & excel.
  15. They do not fear failures. They take them as lessons.

Ordinary people excel is all fields of life only if they perform extraordinarily and keep grounded. They are those who think rationally and keep candid opinions. They do not judge they only strive for betterment in whatever they do.

Would you like to try Ordinary? It is just a way of life.


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