How Lack of Planning Affects Personal Branding Efforts?

How Does Lack of Planning Affect Personal Branding

By on Nov 23, 2021 in 30TH FEB, Brand Strategy, Marketing

Personal branding is best described as the effort put towards self representation. Personal Branding has a huge role to play in how your audience perceives you.

Everyone seeks professional attention, eyeball grabbing workprofiles on social media and the impressive curriculum vitae, well that is the very introduction of your personal brand. But did you knew even those need planning. A plan to set up your personal branding and its allied documents – in line with your career goals, trajectory and passion projects.

Plenty of individuals spend ample time crafting, planning, and executing different strategies for their career, business and dream roles as professionals. We can also say roles that are linked to revenue streams.

In the midst of all this planning, they often overlook the most valuable asset at their disposal, personal branding. Have you ever thought about it? Apparently the focus is always on the document carrying your personal brand – a resume, a passion profile, a social profile, a presentation about yourself or even a website.

Since there are various aspects involved in personal branding, the task can seem daunting and overwhelming. Even Oprah didn’t turn into one of the most influential personal brands across the globe overnight! Whether you are starting your own business or selling products or services, personal branding is -necessary and helpful you stand out.

Establishing oneself as an expert or a thought leader in your niche in pretty much required. It’s like shouting out loud: Hire Me and also underlining, why I am most suitable.

Needless to say, the process can be long and it’s easy to get lost in it. Most people have no idea where to start with their personal branding. This is the main reason why it’s important to have a strategic plan in place before you start working on your personal brand.

Let us take a detailed look at how lack of planning can affect your personal branding effort.

How Lack of Planning Affects Personal Branding effort?

With the advent of the social media age, getting right leads to network and work with has been harder than ever. As obvious as it is, skyrocketing conversion rates and high returns on investments will be rare if you fail to get noticed out there or if you are getting noticed but not getting the engagement.

If you offer genuine information about what you do, the number of people following you (and for what reason) and engaging with your content metrics, you have an active online profile that brings out your brand. It is very important that your profile hints about your work portfolio that does all the talking about how you bring value to your clients and other relevant audience.

But if you don’t have a plan in place, you’ll start to get fuzzy at one point with so many things to manage. Sadly personal branding is just not about posting stuff and keeping your timelines busy.

If you need to know what your success is going to look like after different intervals of time, planning – the strategy, content and overall execution for personal branding is the way to go. Here is how lack of planning affects personal branding.

1) Compromised Engagement and Communication

Let us understand this point with an example. If you are trying to create a personal brand on LinkedIn, haphazardly reacting to and commenting on random posts won’t help. But if you have a network of niche-focused individuals or brands to engage with in your personal branding plan, outreach and finding leads can become a lot easier.

Lack of planning can also lead to lack of control when it comes to your online presence. If you do it without a plan, things can get really time-consuming. Plus, you won’t be able to stay consistent with even the most relevant interactions online. Therefore, to get the most out of engagement and communication, it’s important to have a plan for content and communication around your personal branding.

2) Inaccurate Measurement of Success

A personal branding plan involves the measurement of Key Performance Metrics that can help you measure your success in the short and long term. Even the smallest ones can keep you motivated for bigger achievements. But they are highly unlikely to be there if you are not sticking to a plan. To maximize your profits in the long run, keep tabs on conversions, influential events, referrals, social media mentions, and so on.

3) Lack of Clarity In The Big Picture

A plan for personal branding offers an opportunity to take a look at the bigger picture. For instance, if you are teaching something, your plan should have it laid down whether you would like to teach beginner-level stuff or whether you want to scale to an advanced level. A plan also helps in maintaining consistency in your content. Let’s face it, once you are in creator mode if you keep on changing your content category at the drop of a hat, people will have a hard time trusting you.

Planning your personal branding can bring in all the impact. Think, explore and curate your story and all the ingredients of it. Combine them with an active internet presence. If you don’t want to miss out on any probable aspect of personal branding or willing to carve your niche and establish as a thought leader take help of an expert.

Think of it like the secret sauce every winning personal brand has in common. They all unify the brand with a strategic approach rather than random posting on various social media platforms.

Besides planning, you need to keep iterating your personal branding strategy according to feedback and response.

Doing this offers you credibility as a professional and provides a competitive edge. So what are you waiting for? Get noticed with your personal brand. Get to a full-proof plan with timed implementation in place. Connect with Brand Strategist


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