How to use Instagram Reels for Business and Brand Growth?

How to use Instagram Reels for Business and Brand Growth?

By on Dec 2, 2021 in 30TH FEB, Brand Strategy, Communication Strategy

How to use Instagram Reels for Business and Brand Growth?

Did you know almost 2/3rd of the NBA franchises use Instagram reels (As per Influencer Marketing Hub)? You know the drill. If the NBA is doing it, you should do it as well right?

So what are Instagram Reels?

Long story short, Instagram Reels are Instagram’s attempt at publishing micro-videos on their platform. Micro learning is the in-thing ith attention spans reduced to as low as 07 seconds. The typical instagram reel videos are 15-30 seconds each with background audio or voiceover, music or any popular sound byte. Reels are raging and incredibly digestible.

One instagram reel can be as long as one minute. They are harmless and grab attention real quick. Tik-tok has been a rage in digital marketing and people missed it!

Yes it is difficult to cut short your content and bring down the crux to a minute long video but the algorithms are worth it.

Watch out the reels here,


We reached out to 1600+ and 1900+ people within 24 hours of posting these videos.

Need more reasons get started to leverage Instagram Reels for Business:

  •  Allow you to be natural and create fun content
  • Share quick tutorials – they are easy to follow
  • Behind the scenes video, give them a glimpse of your people
  • Talk about products – be Sales Focused, add context
  • Create educational videos – repurpose your long form content

Get creative with your content and make sure they are in line with your brand goals.

Need help with content ideas, Connect with Brand Strategist


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