Mindful SEO Techniques and Content in Your Branding Mix

Mindful SEO Techniques and Content in your Branding Mix.

By on Apr 21, 2018 in 30TH FEB, Content Marketing, Digital Branding


The best link building strategy is to create something awesome and let everyone know about it.   ~ Tim Soulo

Wondering why we are doing this post on our space at 30TH FEB because we are a brand management agency. Our client servicing team insists on sharing the significance of Mindful SEO Techniques and Content in your Branding Mix.

Well this blogpost is about the basic SEO tips for your website. For those who plan to go digital with their business must take time to read this and understand as to why good content writing is the basic requirement for managing a brand in digital spaces. It cannot be just about posting stuff on your web spaces – namely Blogs, facebook, linkedin, pinterest or youtube for that matter. What matters is – how good is your content on each of it.

Is the content good? Is it readable? Will people find relevance and truth in your content. And how it can be used as the best ingredient of your Digital Marketing.

Let us understand the basic for Good SEO and understand through this Quick Guide to perfect SEO for your web portal.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a methodology of getting free or organic traffic from search engines by doing different optimization practices. SEO is the practice or art of getting visibility in search engines to attract more and more traffic to your website.

No one goes to the second or third page of Google to search any piece of information everyone wants to be on the first page this is why SEO is needed because the second page of Google is the safest place to hide a dead body.

Well if you are optimizing and you not on the first page, you are losing your valuable customers.

Don’t worry I am here to guide you, on how to attract more visitors to your website.

SEO is a time taking process involving many strategies, stages, and a good unique engaging content. It involves mainly two processes-

  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization

In this post, we will be covering mindful SEO techniques and content for on-page optimization. The subsequent post will cover the details of SEO techniques for off-page optimization.

Why Do You Need On-Page Optimization?

Now, when some bloggers hear the term “SEO-optimized articles”, they think this is some kind of bad practice. Well whatever you call it, it’s necessary.

Search engines are nothing but a set of algorithms. They look into various factors to rank your page for certain keywords. Now, we need to help search engines identify that target keyword from the post in order to make that post more relatable to readers.

ON-PAGE OPTIMIZATION– On-page optimization refers to all measures that are done on our website itself to improve your visibility on search engines. It involves all the processes that we apply directly to our website to get visibility in search engines. If you are looking for some practical strategy that you can apply to your website to get organic traffic then read further.

1) Keywords in the Title tag

Try to start your webpage always with your keywords making sense. The closer the keyword is with the beginning of the title tag more it has an impact. It allows Google to understand clearly what our page is about and what do we intend to tell. For the same, it is advised to keep the keywords in the beginning.

2) Avoid using bad URLs

Try to keep your URL short and optimized with keywords.

Never use bad URL’s  www.30thfeb.com/category-1-blog-seo

Good URL’s-  www.30thfeb.com/blog/seo

Industry Experts say that good and optimized URLs with keywords are easy to rank.

3) Use your most important keywords in H1 tags

The H1 tag is your headline tag. Use your most focused keywords in H1 tags, because heading tags are easier to understand by Google and users both.

4) Impress your audience Visual Content

Try to impress your audience with good infographics and multimedia to get maximum shares and reach. Make some eye-catching images and add them to your site with proper descriptions.

5) H2 tags

Try to use your keywords in  H2 tags to get noticed. It is always good to use your keywords in H2 tags. This is the reason why an SEO expert needs to understand content marketing & content writing.

6) Keyword Optimization.

Use your keywords in the first 100 words. Place your keywords at every relevant important place wherever it is necessary. Keep your text to keyword ratio is   3-4%.

7) Responsive web design

Perfectly designed, mobile-friendly websites are loved by Google and people love everything that is loved by Google. So always try to keep your website responsive and user-friendly.

Also note, Google has also started penalizing mobile unfriendly websites since 2015.

8) Use Outbound Links

Outbound links should be added as it is remarkable for the relevancy score. If you are giving outbound links to high authority sites it is a good relevancy score which is highly noticed by Google. It gives search engines a clear idea about your blog because of relevant links. It is the best way to make connections/relations with bloggers having the same niche.

9) Internal Linking

Internal Links also play an important role in ranking. It is one of the SEO ranking factors. Use descriptive keywords in anchor text that give a sense of the topic or keywords the source page is trying to target. Always link to the relevant page that allows users to navigate to different pages of a website. It helps to spread link equity to our every webpage of the website.

10) Speed Optimization.

Optimize your website speed as it is one of the most important ranking factors of Google.

Use compressed images, minify JavaScript, and coding of your website to boost your website speed.

11) LSI Keywords (Latent semantic keywords)

Sprinkle LSI keywords in your webpage’s most relevant places. LSI keywords are synonyms that Google uses to determine a page’s relevancy (and possibly quality). Sprinkle them into every post.

12) Image Optimization.

Optimize your image with your keywords by using them as the alt tag. Rename them with your keywords to make Google understand what our image is about, as Google doesn’t recognize images they recognize ALT tags of images.

13) Social Sharing

Use social sharing buttons in your very post to get more reach. Social signals may not play a direct role in ranking your site. But social shares generate more eyeballs on your content.

14) Long and quality content

Posting long quality and informative content is important. It helps in reducing bounce rate and is also a ranking factor by Google. In other words, good content definitely won’t hurt your site. So there’s no reason NOT to publish awesome stuff every single time.

15) Rank Brain

It measures how searchers interact with your content. The better the communication, the better are the results. The ultimate goal of Rank Brain is to determine if users are satisfied with your content. In other words, does your content match user intent? If not, it’s going to be VERY hard to rank.

16) Fix broken Links
Fix all the broken and invalid links on your website as it is a bad signal, if someone is clicking on some link and it is redirecting to no found it is really a bad experience, so just check your broken links and fix them.

To maintain the site and to keep it effective on the World Wide Web, it is essential to keep a regular check on the website SEO, it is not just about linking things to each other – it is a lot about logical linking & consumer insight as well. So stop counting the number of Backlinks you have and keep a tap on relevant & effective backlinks.

If you wish to link, I mean connect with a Digital Marketing Strategist for a digital strategy or assessment, write to us at: ask@30thfeb.com

Ajay Rai

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