Offer a free version of your product with credit for Brand Growth - Branding Agency in India | Strategic Brand Consultancy | Brand Marketing Companies in India | 30TH FEB

Offer a free version of your product with credit for Brand Growth

By on Oct 6, 2021 in Brand Strategy, Communication Strategy, Marketing


‘Free’ version gets the users hooked to your product.

As users, if we have the option to commit to a plan, that is not paid the chances of us signing up get doubled. The idea is to give users enough access so that they can get some benefits out of it. Let them come back to you with feedback, good and bad points.

Offering a free version to bloggers often leads to PR and better word of mouth marketing. 

When you get people hooked with a free subscription and show them the benefits of your product, they stay, they subscribe and they become your brand advocates too. 

Look at the brands like Zapier or Mail Chimp, they offer free signups, allowing you to learn and explore the features and benefits. The free signup is not limited to just creating an account, mail chimp allows sending emails to up to a list of 2000 email subscribers and almost 12k emails a month. 

When you will be hooked to a brand that offers convenience, ease and makes your life easy. The chances of you moving to another service provider go dim. 

  • Free Access and feedback offers consumer insight that you receive from the niche.
  • Ask detailed reviews from bloggers, PR experts, agency owners. 
  • Free is also a way to upgrade or upsell your service offering by making your existing customers use it for free and become advocates for it. 

Free is powerful when planned and executed with precision.

To discuss “how offering a free version of your product with credit can boost the brandgrowth”. Connect with BrandStrategist


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