Why Video Marketing is a powerful tool for Brand Growth?

Why Video Marketing is a powerful tool for Brand Growth?

By on Jan 29, 2021 in 30TH FEB, Brand Strategy, Digital Branding

Why Video Marketing is a powerful tool for Brand Growth_

Will video marketing help you grow your business?
Well, Yes. But Why? You may ask.

Would you prefer to go through a whole book of 100-200 pages to understand a topic or watch a tutorial video of 20 minutes?

Watch the video!

Simply because it saves time, has visual effects that help in learning faster, and it’s more convenient. This human psychology works the same for everyone around the world. Here’s where video marketing comes into the picture. Video marketing integrates engaging videos into a marketing campaign to increase customer engagement.

It doesn’t matter if you are a freelancer, small business, or a multinational corporation. Video marketing is a powerful way to make your business stand out from the crowd. A video is more eye-catching and downright memorable. And that’s the whole point of marketing- to attract more customers and make them remember you. A video is an incredible way to connect with your customers. It leads them towards taking action ( to buy your product or service). A video is 53 times more likely than a text page to appear on top of the search engines.

Advantages of Video Marketing

Trust and credibility: Video is the perfect way to build a personality for your business. A personality to match the temperament of your niche market. So that you are able to connect with your customers and build trust.

Reachability: If the video is interesting the customers hit that share button often. Hence reachability increases.

Search engine optimized: Search engines love videos as it gets more clicks than on a text article.

Compelling: It is way easier to convey your thoughts or messages through videos. Visuals are attractive. Thus, a video is more impactful when it comes to creating an image or perception of something.

Do Brands need a video marketing strategy?

This idea isn’t new.

What has changed is how important video has become on every platform and channel. Everyone is very much active on some form of digital media platform. People are not confined to traditional television programs for entertainment and information. Earlier the majority of the customer base had one medium of video commercials i.e., television. Now with the internet number of platforms as well as marketing opportunities have increased. Therefore the segmentation of the audience based on each platform becomes significant.

It is not enough to have a video out. Video is no longer a piece of your content. It’s central to your outreach and campaign efforts, especially your social strategy. That is why video as content needs to be targeted for the audience, channel as well as its outreach. For example, You can have a funkier video on Instagram which might not be the best suited for LinkedIn.

Tips for effective video marketing

Plan out a schedule: Create a posting schedule. Stick to it as viewers expect fresh content. This keeps them engaged and hooked to your channel. If you don’t post enough videos, they might forget you. Even if you do post lots of videos but do not have a fixed schedule, people will not get to know. Thus, it is important to upload lots of videos according to a preplanned schedule.

Tell Stories: Everybody loves a good story. No one likes to see repetitive videos about the exact same thing every time. To tell a story means to be creative. Promote your product through relatable stories.

Tutorials and Demos: Video marketing facilitates promotion and tutorial of the product. The videos can also be about answering FAQs or queries about your business or products.

Company Culture: Videos are a great medium for you to showcase your company culture. Showcasing behind-the-scenes work makes them feel connected to you and your business.

Include Calls to Action: Creating interesting and informative videos is the key. If people are not directed to subscribe to your channel or visit or website. The whole point of video marketing might end up in vain. Thus you must include the call of action in every video.

Search Engine Optimization: Like the website pages, Google search indexes YouTube videos as well. For optimizing your videos you can add the keywords, use trending & related hashtags. Add links to your website or landing pages to increase engagement. So this way when someone searches for your brand, you have the opportunity to show up many times in the same search.

You can also use YouTube’s tagging feature. Which determines the relevance of your videos and groups similar videos together. This will help your video appear as a “related video” when viewers watch similar content.

Show Gratitude: Hitting a marketing milestone? Post a video thanking all your customers and viewers. For supporting you and choosing your product or services.

Why having a Brand Team for your Video Marketing would help?

Outsourcing brand marketing is always good, it helps you focus on business. Most companies do not have in-house teams for planned marketing and brand growth activities. Mid-market companies are always riding on the fence whether to outsource marketing to a social media agency or build an internal team of their own. But is it always beneficial to outsource for the following reasons:

A branding agency ensures your videos are in line with your branding.

  • They can help you optimize the videos for the best results
  • They are more updated about both video as well as social media trends
  • They can fine-tune, edit, and make your videos powerful
  • They can watch out for the trends and tweak plans as and when required as per the trends
  • They keep you motivated to do better

Making marketing videos for your business demands creativity and knowledge of consumer psychology. The blend of these components makes it possible to create miracles at a minimal cost.

Creative video advertising on the internet gets traction worth million views. It is also the thing among the branding 2021 trends.

Above write-up highlights the benefits of video marketing along with tips. We hope you got the essence and would start with the application.

If you are short of ideas of wish to do it with professional help, from concept, script, shoot to editing, write to us: ask@30thfeb.com


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