10 Proven Visual Marketing Strategies for Brand Growth

10 Proven Visual Marketing Strategies for Brand Growth

By on Feb 24, 2021 in 30TH FEB, Brand Strategy, Digital Branding, Marketing

visual marketing

We are in 2021 now and a fact that has been thoroughly established is that sales and Visual Marketing are connected. The energy that you have been spending on planning the right marketing strategy will be a determiner for brand growth and success.

The vitality of visuals is getting exponentially high given how social media is having an impact on our everyday life. This also offers an amazing opportunity for staying at the forefront of the industry by incorporating visuals in the brand marketing strategy.

Did you know that about 75% of digital marketers are making use of visuals for content strategy? Well, these numbers indicate the importance of visual marketing for the growth of a business.

10 Best Visual Marketing Strategies That You Can Try For Your Brand Growth:

The marketing basic includes enhancing the reach and making sure the target audience remains engaged for enhanced sales. But how can one achieve that? We have created a list of top Visual Marketing strategies for helping you in brand growth and recognition. 

1. Social Media and Visuals go together

One of the most vital visual marketing elements is social media. The varied platforms are perfect for carrying out your visual campaign. It has to work as the nervous system of the effective strategy. Billions of people around the world stay connected with their profiles digitally each day and are consuming visual content. This also the reason why YouTube and Instagram are amongst the popular platforms. 

So make sure that you are making use of the brand-focused visual content over the social profile. Also, leverage this content on various marketing channels. 

2. Have a Blog On Your Official Website

One of the key SEO strategies remains the business blog as this is certain to generate traffic towards the website. When you add informative, helpful blogs over the website regularly, there is an evident traffic growth. Not just this, the search results will show you on a higher rank when the fresh content is shown over social media platforms. 

3. Offer The Users The Best Experience

Apart from the customer-centric approach, there are other contributing factors for having a successful Visual Marketing strategy. One of them is having a user-friendly website interface. The website content with visuals will be increasing the likelihood of customer engagement. 

Let the visitors get the personalized experience via videos and images on your business website. This will make sure that people are revisiting the online store for the next session of shopping. 

4. Don’t forget about UGC Marketing

You cannot forget about the content that’s user-generated as it’s one of the elements of visual marketing strategy and a good way of brand promotion. UGC also called ‘User-Generated content‘ makes use of comments, testimonials, and posts over social media and videos. It’s willingly created by users for enhancing brand marketing and can take it to the next level!

5. Brand Identity and Image Alignment

You might be eager for including visuals in your strategy, but in case there isn’t proper alignment in consideration, it can backfire when it comes to outcomes! So make sure that you are associating with the right people, images, colors, themes, and videos. For instance, a big name like Coca-cola is often associated with the color red. 

So make strategic visual content that well aligns with your brand’s identity. Focus on having a stronger online presence and brand recognition among consumers through the right visuals. 

6. Always be mobile-Responsive!

If you want your business to survive in this competitive world, having visual marketing strategies that are mobile responsive will be necessary. Did you know more than 50% of the total website visitors are mobile-driven? Not just this, 30% of total purchase is carried on through smartphones. So the visual commerce website needs to stay mobile-responsive if the business intent is to succeed.

7. Enhance Brand Loyalty With Stronger Community

You can engage your customers with interesting brand activities as it creates a community helpful for brand growth. You can organize submissions of creative art, hold contests as per the brand needs. The visual entries that are submitted can also be made use of UGC. 

8. Always Be Friendly With Your Customers

Now with this, we mean that you have to focus on creating a consumer journey that’s visually engaging for them. Think of yourself as the client’s friend, so whenever there is a visitor on your brand website you will be guiding them throughout with the use of visuals. You can place the relevant visuals of the customer testimonials and reviews on the homepage for earning new users’ trust. 

Later you can also place the best quality visuals over other webpages for describing your services and products better. This will be allowing the user to make informed choices when they make a purchase. 

9. Constantly Evolve The Brand Value For Its Growth

Having an emotional connection with your customers is a must. Did you know that in a survey it was found out that more than 90% of customers had recommended a brand that they had been emotionally linked with? So make sure there is logo redesigning or upgrades done as per the brand needs. 

10. Trends can be changed to sales

You can create trends through visuals that can help with sales and ultimately help with brand growth. All you have to do is find the earn a following on the internet, create trends on social platforms, and tag the services and products that you offer. That’s it! You can also prevent product abandonment in this manner. 

Final Thoughts:

Having an effective visual marketing strategy is a need for your brand to be constantly evolving and for staying updated with trends. There is also a need for keeping an eye on the ever-changing needs of the audience for brand growth. Along with that, connecting with potential consumers through the right visual marketing strategies is something that we cannot afford to ignore in a highly competitive world. You can now include the top strategies that we mentioned on the list and notice a difference in brand growth yourself! Connect with us to boost your visual marketing strategy, write to us at : ask@30thfeb.com


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